Term Loans

BancABC Tanzania provides term loan to its Corporate clients for various projects, with the loan period ranging from 1 year to 5 years.

The loans will be priced at BancABC Tanzania base lending rate plus a margin taking into account various factors. The duration of these loans is negotiable and subject to market conditions. 
Our short-term loans are normally used to finance working capital requirements. The repayment terms can be up to one year.
Long term capital projects and expenditure require long-term loans. The loan period varies from 2 to 5 years. The type of investment and the required loan amount usually influences the period.




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Investor Relations

BancABC aims to provide the investor community with transparent and timeous information. This is undertaken through a proactive process whereby information is continually and broadly disseminated to the financial community and the investing public, ensuring that the Group is accurately valued in the marketplace...

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