In its simplest terms, a promissory note is a written promise to repay a loan or debt under specific terms - usually at a stated time, through a specified series of payments, or upon demand.
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For many investors, a volatile market is too risky. The money market products from BancABC offer an alternative to higher risk investments while yielding attractive returns.
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Weekdays - 08:30AM to 16:30PM Saturdays - 08:30AM to 13:00PM
BancABC is proud to sponsor properties that optimise our values...
Our Internet banking offers easy and convenient access to your personal and business accounts online anytime and from anywhere on the Internet - from home, the office or when travelling. The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!
internet banking
For secure, convenient fast and reliable 24 hour banking
BancABC aims to provide the investor community with transparent and timeous information. This is undertaken through a proactive process whereby information is continually and broadly disseminated to the financial community and the investing public, ensuring that the Group is accurately valued in the marketplace...
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