Maridhawa Account

A hassle-free account to make your life easier

The Maridhawa Current Account is designed to assist you in your day-to-day transactions. This easy access account allows you to manage your money in the simplest way possible.

What does the Maridhawa Current Account offer me?

  • You have the freedom to open your account in either TZS or USD
  • You earn interest on your credit balances based on the average monthly balance and paid out monthly
  • The convenience of making payments by cheque/ATM card, so you no longer have to carry cash around
  • You'll receive a free monthly statement, which means you'll always stay up to date with your account.
  • You have the option to choose the frequency within which you will receive your bank statement e.g.  daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly
  • You have the option to choose how you want to receive your bank statement  e.g. delivery at your door step, collection by yourself from the bank, posting or e-mail
  • Personalised service from a dedicated Relationship Officer, so you'll be looked after, at all times.

To Apply for Maridhawa Account

Simply bring the following to any of our branches:

  • An opening and operating balance of TZS 25 000 / USD 25
  • Your passport, voter's ID or employer's ID
  • Two passport sized photos
  • A reference or introduction letter from either your employer (if employed), local executive ward, advocate, registered audit firm or an existing customer of the bank
  • Proof of your residential address /work permit if you are a non-resident
  • You must be 18 years and above



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